1) ***SPOILER ALERT*** If you didn't watch Monday's HIMYM then skip ahead.
For those of you who saw it - THANK GOD they put an end to Barney and Robin!!! "Barnman and Robin"....haha. Look, I love Barney. I love Robin. I predicted them together awhileeee ago...but it just didn't work. I'm not giving up on them in the long run (as in, maybe they can get back together in the final episode of the show), but nobody actually wants to SEE them together as a couple. Certainly not as 'disgusting' Barney and Robin. Look, fat Barney was pretty hilarious, but Robin was just gross. I just couldn't stop looking at her greasy hair...blech. Anyways, halleluljah to the end of that!! And now Barney can go out and seek her Canadian Variety show which is sure to be brilliance.
2) Glee tonight - WOOO a new episode, FINALLY, after two weeks of hiatus due to Fox's hosting the World Series!! Not only do we get Glee back, but we have the additional treat of finally seeing the song that I've been waiting all season for: Defying Gravity. Holy Crap ya'll, can anyone deny how excited they are to see the mini-Idina Menzel (Lea Michele) perform this?! Ok, I'm assuming she's the one that performs it, but if it's someone else that's fine too. I'm just EXCITEDDDD!!
3) LOST - If you haven't already seen this fan video, YOU NEED TO. It's a parody on The Lonely Island's We Like Sports, but seriously, I think it's even better. The number of LOST references they manage to squeeze in there is AMAZING. Like truly brilliant. In "We Like Sports" the two dudes are Guy 1 and Guy 2, but in "We Like LOST" its Guy 4, and Guy 8. AS IN THE NUMBERS. 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42. AMAZING. Anyways. Watch and enjoy (and find these two dudes for me because they need to be my friends).
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