I know I'm in the minority of the general population, but I far prefer savory foods to sweet. With very few exceptions (fruit, fruit candy, popsicles), I don't really enjoy sweet foods. Don't get me wrong, if I'm in just the right mood I can certainly appreciate a fresh baked sugar or oatmeal raisin cookie, some Bluebell Homemade Vanilla ice cream, or funfetti cake. But those moods are far and few between, and more often than not I'd rather eat an extra appetizer than dessert.
Because of my odd palette, I've never really gotten in to the whole "gourmet cupcake" scene. I know people are obsessed with Magnolia Bakery, Sprinkles, Hello Cupcake, and the like - but I've just never gone gaga for cupcakes. Until now. Behold, the THANKSGIVING CUPCAKE:

This recipe is completely and utterly genius. It takes my single favorite meal in the entire world (Thanksgiving, duh), and turns it into a small delicious-looking, delectable CUPCAKE. Seriously you guys, there are no words. I'm drooling at my computer screen right now.

The recipe doesn't look terribly difficult, but seeing as how I'm not so handy in the kitchen, I probably won't be attempting this any time soon. Therefore, I am now seeking: friends who are handy in the kitchen to make this for me PLEASE. I will be forever and ever indebted.
And tell me, are you guys all sweet-tooths, or are there a few savory-addicts like myself out there?