Yesterday afternoon (after the Longhorn's messy victory over the Sooners - woo!) I sat down to catch up on Thursday night's Private Practice episode, and 50 minutes later I felt like I had completely lost my football high. This is the third straight episode in a row (and there have only been three so far this season!) where I felt bummed out after it ended. Now when the season ended last year with the gruesome, horrifying steal-the-baby-out-of-Violet's-womb storyline, I figured we were in for a dark period before things turned light and happy again. But for some reason, even in its darkest moments, Grey's usually manages to make me laugh (or at least chuckle), cry (of happiness and sadness), and feel hopeful of things to come. Private Practice just isn't doing it for me.
Let's dissect some of the current storylines:
1) Addison - I'm so so so over Addison's pining for Noah. Seriously, the whole storyline upsets me not only because of the whole 'man emotionally cheating on his wife' thing, but also because it has made Addison completely moody and glum and depressing. She is the REASON I decided to give Private Practice a chance and she's just completely miserable right now! Not to mention it's completely killed her rapport with Naomi, which used to be another highlight of the show.
2) Violet - I get it, she went through complete trauma, but how long are the writers going to deem an appropriate amount of time for her to be grieving before she gets back to her normal self? Any less than 6 months to a year will seem unrealistic, but any more than a few more weeks will bore me to tears. They're going to have to tread lightly on this one. Also, I feel for Violet and the whole giving up her baby storyline - it makes sense to me and it's an interesting angle, but I'm also not sure how they're going to resolve this. Pete raises the baby and then Violet changes her mind and then asks for the baby back? Pete raises the baby and then Violet changes her mind and her and Pete get together? This seems messy all around...
3) Pete/Sheldon - I'm so glad the paternity issue is FINALLY resolved, but after leading us on about this for almost a year, it was resolved with absolutely no fanfare. It was so predictable, there was nothing very exciting tied to the reveal, and what does this mean for Sheldon now? My guess is that he'll slowly be faded out which is unfortunate because I found him amusing.
4) Sam - Sam is a certified hottie, and him and Naomi need to be together. This whole storyline with Bailey just bothers me and seems to be setting him up to take a trip to Seattle Grace as a cardiothoracic surgeon. If this happens I will surely stop watching PP altogether. The show is sooo not worth it without Taye Diggs.
5) Cooper - Cooper is one of my favorite characters and one of my favorite things about him was his relationship with Violet. Now that that's gone, I'm trying to get behind him and Charlotte but I just can't do it. His gesture at the end of this past episode (asking her to move in with him) was cute, but I still don't like the two of them together.
6) Dell - Where the hell is Dell? I could always use more Dell...
So tell me people, are you guys sticking with Private Practice to see if it emerges from the Dark Ages? Or have you long ago given up this Shonda Rhimes spin-off?
PGV do you still heart tv?
YESSSSSS sorry i will keep postinggggg ive been LAZY!!
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